Genre: Exploration, Action, puzzle, real-life analogy.

The game is about a city getting attacked by monkeys, who are angry and feel a sense of hate against them humans, but it was not always like that. Both lived in a friendly co-existance before, what has happened? What could destroy such a relation? Find it out!!
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Don’t Forget Game



Background Story / inspiration:
DON’T FORGET is about the humans responsibility despite the constant distrubing factor called Corona Virus. The idea of this game comes from the situation Lopburi in thailand, also called the monkey city, is since a few months or even a year facing vandalism through monkeys actions. The reason is that humans and monkeys lived in perfect co-existance, the monkeys had their territory and humans could visit them, preferably offering couple bananas to the monkeys. But due to corona, less tourist come to Lopburi, even worse the inhabitants do not really want to go outside either. As the monkeys are used to a co-existing relationship, they did not had to worry about looking for food, because we humans always brought them their food.

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Treasure Hunter

Play as a traveler always searching for new adventures and trying to steal a very valuable treasure from a group of dangerous bandits. It is hidden inside a maze to protect it from getting stolen. Get inside, sneak your way past the guards and find the chest containing the treasure.

Find your way through the maze, collect keys to open the trapdoor to the next room and be careful not to get caught by the guards.


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Code Name: Protect

Genre: Survival / Tower Defense / RPG

Code Name: Protect plays on an unknown planet, where an evil emperor called Ashgan has taken control over it by raiding the villages and slaughtering the disobedient villagers. This split the planet into two groups, one where the inhabitants bow before the new ruler of the planet and the second one, that resists him. Those who disobey will be haunted, even more when it is a whole village. Every second night the enemy forces attack villages, which are not under Ashgan’s regime. But one village did a brave act in order to save their village and perhaps the planet.


The Trailer:

Eschaton Doctrine


There is a deep void gnawing at the heart and soul of every human – a longing for love that cannot be satisfied in this world. And when this yearning is left to fester and rot, it will one day blossom into the purest flame.

A rebellion, a thousand years in the making, overthrows the Twins – the god-ruler of the world-city of Vigil. Through the development of the enigmatic Animus Engine, humans were able to create a conduit of unlimited arcane power that permitted the production of Eschaton Units; enormous, mobile war machines powered by unfettered magic. Humanity took to battle riding these weapons of mass destruction and waged an apocalyptic war against the Twins.

Now that they are defeated, humanity must face its brave new future on its own. Amidst the chaos and turmoil of the post-war climate, once tenuously allied factions become embittered rivals in a bid for mankind’s destiny. Should we, under the banner of the Humanists, slay the Twins once and for all and broadcast to the galaxy that we are merciless and strong? Or should humanity, as per the Moderatists, spare its life so that we may be known as temperate and rational?

Tensions rise and, before long, gun shots are fired. Nobody really knows which side made the first move – but Eschaton Units are taking to the devastated streets once more. Can you bring peace to our beleaguered race? Or will you plunge us into further chaos?

Find out what it means to wage war under the
Eschaton Doctrine

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Eschaton Doctrine is a very rough, early prototype of a turn-based online multiplayer skirmish game, developed by 5 BTS students at the Lycée des Arts et Métiers in Luxembourg.


At its core, the idea of the game was to build a turn-based, competitive strategy game set in an urban world recently upheaved by civil war. Players are put into the role of Eschaton Pilots who commandeer extremely dangerous, science-fantasy mecha. Competing in small-scale online matches (+/- 3v3), players move their unit around a square grid battle arena to outmaneuver and defeat their opponents in short, tactical combat engagements. Turns function in a semi-simultaneous fashion: players issue their orders simultaneously but, once everybody is ready, actions are then executed sequentially in a second phase of the round.

While the prototype only shows a mock-up of this, the intent was to have players be able to pick between different mecha before the match launches and pair with with a pilot of their choice. This type of mix- and matching would provide players of different styles and inclinations a way to customize their experience and permit new interesting strategies with each new unit or pilot that is released down the line.


It was one hell of a journey. While our intentions were grander than what we ultimately were able to deliver in the time given to us, we are nonetheless content knowing that each and every one of us pushed themselves to the limit. We are proud of the things we did manage to accomplish and learn through this experience.

On this note, we would like to thank everyone involved who made our lives a little easier. And thank you for checking out our work!

The team,
Laetitia Gérard,
Kevin Fayard,
Lorène Collin,
Luis Da Costa Almeida,
Natascha Kremer

Cosmic Bleed Out

Cosmic Bleed out is a story based game, which got created during an 8 hour game jam. The game got developed by 7 members of the Promo 3 class, they are mentioned at the bottom. The game itself plays in an ordinary mdieval world where the player takes the role of an old athrophysicist who discovers a dangerous red fog coming from far away. Now the player needs to convince the people in the kingdom to leave the kingdom and go to a safer place. Every decision the player takes from now on reveals other fragments of the story. Will you reach the end, if yes which end is it?

Click on this link to download the game:”
