Genre: Exploration, Action, puzzle, real-life analogy.

The game is about a city getting attacked by monkeys, who are angry and feel a sense of hate against them humans, but it was not always like that. Both lived in a friendly co-existance before, what has happened? What could destroy such a relation? Find it out!!
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Don’t Forget Game



Background Story / inspiration:
DON’T FORGET is about the humans responsibility despite the constant distrubing factor called Corona Virus. The idea of this game comes from the situation Lopburi in thailand, also called the monkey city, is since a few months or even a year facing vandalism through monkeys actions. The reason is that humans and monkeys lived in perfect co-existance, the monkeys had their territory and humans could visit them, preferably offering couple bananas to the monkeys. But due to corona, less tourist come to Lopburi, even worse the inhabitants do not really want to go outside either. As the monkeys are used to a co-existing relationship, they did not had to worry about looking for food, because we humans always brought them their food.

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